We define four different properties of relational databases which are relat
ed tothe notion of homogeneity in classical model theory. The main question
for their definition is, for any given database to determine the minimum i
nteger k, such that whenever two k-tuples satisfy the same properties which
are expressible in first order logic with up to k variables (FOk), then th
ere is an automorphism which maps each of these k-tuples onto each other. W
e study these four properties as a means to increase the computational powe
r of subclasses of the reflective relational machines (RRMs) of bounded var
iable complexity. These were introduced by S. Abiteboul, C. Papadimitriou a
nd V. Vianu and are known to be incomplete. For this sake we first give a s
emantic characterization of the subclasses of total RRM with variable compl
exity k (RRMk) for every natural number k. This leads to the definition of
classes of queries denoted as QCQ(k). We believe these classes to be of int
erest in their own right. For each k >0, we define the subclass QCQ(k) as t
he total queries in the class CQ of computable queries which preserve reali
zation of properties expressible in FOk. The nature of these classes is imp
licit in the work of S. Abiteboul, M. Vardi and V. Vianu. We prove QCQ(k)=t
otal(RRMk) for every k >0. We also prove that these classes form a strict h
ierarchy within a strict subclass of total(CQ). This hierarchy is orthogona
l to the usual classification of computable queries in time-space-complexit
y classes. We prove that the computability power of RRMk machines is much g
reater when working with classes of databases which are homogeneous, for th
ree of the properties which we define. As to the fourth one, we prove that
the computability power of RRM with sublinear variable complexity also incr
eases when working on databases which satisfy that property. The strongest
notion, pairwise k-homogeneity, allows RRMk machines to achieve completenes