Background. Thoracic surgeons traditionally performed thoracotomy and myoto
my for achalasia. Recently minimally invasive approaches have been reported
with good success. This report summarizes our single-institution experienc
e using video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) or laparoscopy (LAP) for the tre
atment of achalasia.
Methods. A review of 62 patients undergoing minimally invasive myotomy for
achalasia was performed. There were 27 male and 35 female patients. Mean ag
e was 53 years (range 14 to 86). Thirty-seven (59.7%) had failed prior trea
tments (balloon dilation, botulinim toxin injection, or prior surgery). Out
comes studied were dysphagia score (1 = none, 5 = severe), Short-Form 36 qu
ality of life (SF36 QOL) score, and heartburn-related QOL index (HRQOL).
Results. Surgery included myotomy and partial fundoplication (5 VATS and 57
LAP). Mortality was zero, and complications occurred in 9 (14.5%) patients
. There were 6 perforations (4 repaired by LAP and 2 open). Median length o
f stay was 2 days, time to oral intake was 1 day. At a mean of 19 months fo
llow-up, 92.5% of patients were satisfied with outcome. Dysphagia scores im
proved from 3.6 to 1.5 (p < 0.01) but 3 patients ultimately required esopha
gectomy for recurrent dysphagia. HRQOL scores for heartburn and SF-36 QOL s
cores were comparable with control populations.
Conclusions. Minimally invasive myotomy and partial fundoplication for acha
lasia improved dysphagia in 92.5% of patients with heartburn and QOL scores
were comparable with normal values at 19-month follow-up. The laparoscopic
approach offers excellent results and was the preferred approach by our th
oracic group for treating achalasia. Thoracic residency training should str
ive to include laparoscopic esophageal experience. (C) 2001 by The Society
of Thoracic Surgeons.