Public report cards and confidential, collaborative peer education represen
t distinctly different approaches to cardiac surgery quality assessment and
improvement. This review discusses the controversies regarding their metho
dology and relative effectiveness.
Report cards have been the more commonly used approach, typically as a resu
lt of state legislation. They are based on the presumption that publication
of outcomes effectively motivates providers, and that market forces will r
eward higher quality. Numerous studies have challenged the validity of thes
e hypotheses. Furthermore, although states with report cards have reported
significant decreases in risk-adjusted mortality, it is unclear whether thi
s improvement resulted from public disclosure or, rather, from the developm
ent of internal quality programs by hospitals. An additional confounding fa
ctor is the nationwide decline in heart surgery mortality, including states
without quality monitoring. Finally, report cards may engender negative be
haviors such as high-risk case avoidance and "gaming" of the reporting syst
em, especially if individual surgeon results are published.
The alternative approach, continuous quality improvement, may provide an op
portunity to enhance performance and reduce interprovider variability while
avoiding the unintended negative consequences of report cards. This collab
orative method, which uses exchange visits between programs and determinati
on of best practice, has been highly effective in northern New England and
in the Veterans Affairs Administration. However, despite their potential ad
vantages, quality programs based solely on confidential continuous quality
improvement do not address the issue of public accountability. For this rea
son, some states may continue to mandate report cards. In such instances, i
t is imperative that appropriate statistical techniques and report formats
are used, and that professional organizations simultaneously implement cont
inuous quality improvement programs.
The statistical methodology underlying current report cards is flawed, and
does not justify the degree of accuracy presented to the public. All existi
ng risk-adjustment methods have substantial inherent imprecision, and this
is compounded when the results of such patient-level models are aggregated
and used inappropriately to assess provider performance. Specific problems
include sample size differences, clustering of observations, multiple compa
risons, and failure to account for the random component of interprovider va
riability. We advocate the use of hierarchical or multilevel statistical mo
dels to address these concerns, as well as report formats that emphasize th
e statistical uncertainty of the results. (C) 2001 by The Society of Thorac
ic Surgeons.