Tactical versus continuous stocking in perennial ryegrass-subterranean clover pastures grazed by sheep in south-western Victoria - 2. Ryegrass persistence and botanical composition
Ra. Waller et al., Tactical versus continuous stocking in perennial ryegrass-subterranean clover pastures grazed by sheep in south-western Victoria - 2. Ryegrass persistence and botanical composition, AUST J EX A, 41(8), 2001, pp. 1109-1120
A 4-year field experiment was carried out in south-western Victoria to dete
rmine whether tactical stocking might improve perennial ryegrass (Lolium pe
renne L.) persistence and prime lamb production, compared with the more com
mon practice of continuous stocking. Tactical stocking consisted of variabl
e-length summer, autumn and winter rotations and continuous stocking in spr
ing. The 2 grazing strategies were compared on 2 contrasting pastures: an u
pgraded pasture, sown with newer cultivars of perennial ryegrass and subter
ranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) with 26 kg phosphorus/ha. year, a
nd a more typical naturalised perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 6 kg pho
sphorus/ha. year. Paddocks were grazed by Border Leicester x Merino ewes, w
hich were mated to a terminal sire to lamb in September. The effects of the
grazing systems and pasture treatments on ryegrass persistence and pasture
botanical composition are presented in this paper.
The perennial ryegrass component of the sward decreased from an average mas
s of 1000 kg dry matter/ha on the upgraded pasture and 400 kg dry matter/ha
on the typical pasture in spring 1996 to 100 kg dry matter/ha and <50 kg/h
a for the 2 pasture types, respectively, in spring 1998. This occurred irre
spective of the grazing system imposed. The decline of ryegrass was attribu
ted to several factors including the very dry 3-year period, summer rainfal
l events that caused ryegrass buds to break dormancy then die when dry cond
itions resumed, the gravelly soil type where the experiment was located, an
d the high grazing pressure used.
A number of species became more prevalent in the pastures as the ryegrass d
isappeared. Silver grass (Vulpia spp.) increased 4-5-fold on all treatments
. By the fourth year, barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) and Bromus spp. had
increased significantly with tactical stocking compared with continuous sto
cking. Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula L.) and Erodium spp. increased on bot
h the continuously stocked and upgraded pastures. The subterranean clover c
omponent was maintained across all treatments over the 4 years, indicating
that tactical stocking did not adversely affect clover persistence. Since r
yegrass declined irrespective of treatment, the tactical stocking system us
ed in this study cannot be recommended for improving ryegrass persistence.