A consistent estimator for the spectral density of a stationary random proc
ess can be obtained by smoothing the periodograms across frequency. An impo
rtant component of smoothing is the choice of the span. Lee ( 1997) propose
d a span selector that was erroneously claimed to be unbiased for the mean
squared error. The naive use of mean squared error has some important drawb
acks in this context because the variance of the periodogram depends on its
mean, i.e. the spectrum. We propose a new span selector based on the gener
alised crossvalidation function derived from the gamma deviance. This crite
rion, originally developed for use in fitting generalised additive models.
utilises the approximate full likelihood of periodograms, which asymptotica
lly behave like independently distributed chi-squared. i.e. gamma. random v
ariables. The proposed span selector is very simple and easily implemented.
Simulation results suggest that the proposed span selector generally outpe
rforms those obtained under a mean squared error criterion.