A prospective panel study was conducted to measure seasonality of mood in a
random community sample in Melbourne, Australia (N = 245). Based on resear
ch into the structure of human mood, it was predicted that a lowering of mo
od in winter relative to summer would be observed in positive affect (PA) a
nd behavioral engagement (BE), but not negative affect (NA). These variable
s were measured across summer and winter for 3 years. Consistent with the m
ajority of research in the Northern Hemisphere, analyses on the entire samp
le found evidence of a small prospective season effect on the BE scale (exp
laining 2.1% of variance in BE scores). Also, as expected, no season effect
was seen on the NA scale. In the entire sample, the season effect was not
significant for PA, but joint factor analysis of the BE, PA, and NA scales
confirmed that the season effect seen in the BE scale-was largely due to it
ems that were pure measures of PA. Winter pattern seasonality was both reli
able across measures and significantly more marked among the subgroup of re
spondents who self-identified winter pattern of mood on the Seasonal Patter
n Assessment Questionnaire.