The solids mean residence time in a rotary dryer is influenced by several v
ariables such as dryer dimensions and solids characteristics. One of these
characteristics, usually not taken into account in correlations proposed to
estimate the mean residence time, is the solids feed moisture content. Alt
hough it is well known that the solids moisture content has a major impact
on the ability of the solids to move along the rotary dryer, it does not en
ter as a parameter in available correlations. In this investigation, numero
us experiments were performed in a pilot-scale rotary dryer to study the in
fluence of solids moisture content and drying gas temperature on the mean r
esidence time. Sand employed in cement makeup was used to perform these exp
eriments. Results show that the mean residence time for a moisture content
in the range of 8% to 12% is four times higher than for dry solids. The moi
sture content and the drying gas temperature influence significantly the sh
ape of the residence time distribution curve.