One of the most challenging problems in medical imaging is the develop
ment of reconstruction algorithms for nonstandard geometries. The stan
dard geometry is the parallel ray geometry of the conventional Radon t
ransform. This work focuses on the resampling of a nonstandard geometr
y to obtain a data set in standard geometry. The approach is guided by
the application of Fourier analysis to resampling. Fourier Transform
Resampling (FTRS) offers potential improvement because the Modulation
Transfer Function (MTF) of the process behaves like an ideal low pass
filter. Simulated MTF's were obtained by projecting point sources at d
ifferent transverse positions in the flat fan beam detector geometry.
These MTF's were compared to the closed form expression for FTRS. Exce
llent agreement was obtained for frequencies at or below the estimated
cutoff frequency.The resulting FTRS algorithm is applied to simulatio
ns with symmetric fan beam geometry an elliptical orbit and uniform at
tenuation, with a normalized root mean square error (NRME) of 0.036..
FTRS is also compared to sine interpolation, and it is shown empirical
ly that the two methods are not equivalent. General expressions are ob
tained for the transfer function, the MTF, the frequency map, and the
resampled autocovariance function. A closed form expression is found f
or the frequency map associated with the circular are fan beam geometr