GABA-immunoreactive fibers were observed in the neuropile of each ganglion
of Helix lucorum, while GABA-immunoreactive neural somata were found only i
n the buccal, cerebral, and pedal ganglia. Bath application of 10(-5) M GAB
A to the preparation "buccal mass-buccal ganglia" elicited a sequence of ra
dula movements characteristic of feeding behavior. Corresponding bursts of
activity were recorded in the buccal nerves under GABA application and in t
he buccal neurons recorded optically. In preparations of isolated central n
ervous system, the bath applications of GABA (10(-5) to 10(-4) M) elicited
no changes in synaptic input of the premotor interneurons involved in the w
ithdrawal behavior. However, a significant decrease in amplitude of the syn
aptic input and in the number of spikes in responses elicited by the test n
erve stimulation was observed in metacerebral serotonergic neurons involved
in modulating the feeding behavior. GABA application inhibited the spontan
eous spike activity in some pedal serotonergic neurons involved in the netw
ork underlying withdrawal responses and evoked bursting activity in the oth
er neurons of this functional group. The effects of GABA application on mec
hanically isolated serotonergic neurons suggest that the primary effect of
GABA is inhibition. Thus, our results give evidence of the putative role of
GABA in activating the feeding behavior and in the synergistic suppression
of serotonergic modulation of the withdrawal behavior and serotonergic mod
ulation of feeding, which has corresponded to the observed behavioral suppr
ession of withdrawal reactions during feeding.