The stability of axially symmetric cone-and-plate how of an Oldroyd-B
fluid at non-zero Reynolds number is analysed. We show that stability
is controlled by two parameters: E-1 = DeWe and E-2 = Re/We, where De,
We, and Re are the Deborah, Weissenberg and Reynolds numbers respecti
vely. The linear stability problem is solved by a perturbation method
for E-2 small and by a Galerkin method when E-2 = O(1). Our results sh
ow that for all values of the retardation parameter beta and for all v
alues of E-2 considered the base viscometric flow is stable if E-1 is
sufficiently small. As E-1 increases past a critical value the flow be
comes unstable as a pair of complex-conjugate eigenvalues crosses the
imaginary axis into the right half-plane. The critical value of E-1 de
creases as E-2 increases indicating that increasing inertia destabiliz
es the flow For the range of values considered the critical wavenumber
k(c) first decreases and then increases as E-2 increases. The wave sp
eed on the other hand decreases monotonically with E-2. The critical m
ode at the onset of instability corresponds to a travelling wave propa
gating inward towards the apex of the cone with infinitely many logari
thmically spaced toroidal roll cells.