Purpose: The goal of this project was to examine the factors related to the
high level of voter turnout among older adults and how these factors have
changed across the past 50 years. The study builds on previous research eff
orts by combining individual level analyses from three nationally represent
ative surveys. Design and Methods: We examined voter turnout among older ci
tizens using the American National Election Studies (ANES) 1952-1996, the C
urrent Population Studies (CPS) 1972-1996, and the General Social Surveys (
GSS) 1972-1996. Logit regression identified significant factors that contri
bute to or detract from voting in presidential elections. Results: Included
in the extensive results, we found that being married, attending church, a
nd contact by political operatives (since the 1980 election) contributed po
sitively to older voters' turnout, whereas living in the South was a negati
ve predictor. Implications: Triangulating data sources, we are able to util
ize the strengths:of each study-providing an overview of the determinants o
f voter turnout and understanding of the changes related to older Americans
' turnout in presidential elections.