The role of contracts in validating specifications has been neglected in re
search, as they are thought of as commercial and legal documents with littl
e value as far as validation is concerned. The term "validate" does not mea
n preapproval before production but acceptance of performance of the suppli
er (through validation parameters contained in a contract) to deliver to sp
ecification during the development/production of the final product. This pa
per demonstrates the role of contracts in validating specifications by prop
osing the elements of a contract that can aid validation. Two in-depth case
studies were conducted in one auto and one aircraft original-equipment man
ufacturing located in Europe. Data were collected through participant obser
vation, interviews, and analysis of archival sources. A strategic contract
structure encompassing two categories of elements, the validation criteria
for entry and the validation criteria for remaining in the business, is pro
posed. The strategic contract structure can aid managers involved in the sp
ecification process to structure development projects with suppliers. This
will help attain planned goals.