This work addresses the problem of workflow requirements specifications con
sidering the realistic assumptions that, it involves experts from different
domains (i.e. representatives of different business policies); not all the
possible execution scenarios are known beforehand, during the early stage
of specification. In particular, since the main purpose of a workflow is to
achieve a certain (bussiness) goal, we propose a formalism which enables t
he users to specify their requirements (and expectations) and test if the i
nformation that they have provided is, in a sense, sufficient for the workf
low to behave "as desired", in terms of the goal. Our methodology allows do
main experts to express not only their knowledge, but also the "ignorance"
(the semantics allows for unknown values to reflect a realistic situation o
f agents dealing with incomplete information) and the possibility of occurr
ence of exceptional situations. As a basis for formalizing the process of r
equirements specifications, we are using the recent results on reasoning ab
out actions. We propose a high level language Aw which enables specifying t
he effects that activites have on the environment and how they should be co
ordinated. We also describe our prototype tool for process specification. S
trictly speaking, in this work we go "One step" before actual analysis and
design, and offer a formalism which enables the involved partners to see if
the extent to which they have expressed their domain knowledge (which may
sometimes be subject to a proprietary restricions) can satisfy the intended
needs and behaviour of their product-to-be. We define an entailment relati
on which enables reasoning about the correctness of the specification, in t
erms of achieving a desired goal and, also testing about consequences of mo
difications in the workflow descriptions.