People with jargon aphasia have severely disordered and incomprehensible sp
eech that may be resistant to therapeutic intervention. In this study, we t
reated written output and examined whether it assisted communication for th
ese clients. In stage one of the study, anagram sorting, delayed copying an
d lexical decision tasks were used to investigate the residual knowledge of
written words in a group of ten people with jargon aphasia. Evidence of th
e presence of orthographic knowledge was taken as an indication that writin
g might be a useful focus for therapy. This hypothesis was explored in stag
e two with six clients. A personally useful vocabulary was selected for eac
h, and copying, word completion and written picture-naming tasks were used
in therapy to improve written production of these words. The clients made p
rogress in written naming. However, they showed little change on a 'message
' assessment that tested their ability to use the written words to convey m
essages. Stage three targeted communicative writing. Here, three of the cli
ents received 'message therapy', which encouraged them to relate treated wo
rds to functional messages and to communicate them to a partner. The client
s improved on the message assessment and observation of their communication
and reports from relatives suggested that they made functional use of writ
ing in a range of communication settings.