Bacteriophage PRD1 is a prototype of viruses with an internal membrane. The
icosahedral capsid and major coat protein share structural similarity with
the corresponding structures of adenovirus. The present study further expl
ores similarities between these viruses, considering the 5-fold vertex asse
mblies. The vertex structure of bacteriophage PRD1 consists of proteins P2,
P5, and P31. The vertex complex mediates host cell binding and controls do
uble-stranded DNA delivery. Quaternary structures and interactions of purif
ied spike proteins were studied by synchrotron radiation x-ray solution sca
ttering. Low resolution models of the vertex proteins P5, P2, and P31 were
reconstructed ab initio from the scattering data. Protein P5 is a long trim
er that resembles the adenovirus spike protein pIV. The receptor-binding pr
otein P2 is a 15.5-nm long, thin monomer and does not have an adenovirus co
unterpart. P31 forms a pentameric base with a maximum diameter of 8.5 nm, w
hich is thinner than the adenovirus penton pIII P5 further polymerize into
a nonameric form ((p5(3))(3)). In the presence of P31, P5 associates into a
P5(6):P31 complex. The constructed models of these assemblies provided sup
port for a model of vertex assembly onto the virion. Although similar in ov
erall architecture, clear differences between PRD1 and adenovirus spike ass
emblies have been revealed.