A new management model is needed for the Latin American coastal zone and it
s resources. During the nineties, some very interesting management initiati
ves were implemented. Nevertheless, in general terms, coastal management is
relatively backward in comparison with other regions of the world. There a
re also very different levels of coastal management within the various Lati
n American countries themselves. In spite of these differences, the cultura
l homogeneity of the area could serve to facilitate international cooperati
on for more integrated management. Such an initiative would not only help t
o find a specific Latin American management model, but would also contribut
e to improving the levels of technical training, scientific knowledge, exch
ange of experiences and South-South co-operation. Also, the effectiveness o
f the initiatives carried out by countries with more highly developed syste
ms of coastal management could be reduced if the surrounding States do not
undertake similar initiatives.