Worker piping. previously reported only in hives, was observed in swarms as
they prepared to liftoff to fly to a new home. Pipers are excited bees whi
ch scramble through the swarm cluster, pausing every second or so to emit a
pipe. Each pipe consists of a sound pulse which lasts 0.82+/-0.43 s and ri
ses in fundamental frequency from 100-200 Hz to 200-250 Hz. Many, if not al
l. of the pipers are nest-site scouts. The scouts pipe when it is time to s
timulate the non-scouts to warm themselves to a flight-ready temperature (3
5 degreesC) in preparation for liftoff. The time-course of worker piping ma
tches that of swarm warming; both start at a low level. about an hour befor
e liftoff, and both build to a climax at liftoff. When we excluded pipers f
rom bees hanging in the cool, Outermost layer of a swarm cluster, we found
that these bees did not warm tip. The form of worker piping that we have st
udied in swarms differs from the form of worker piping that others have stu
died in hives. We call the two forms "wings-together piping" (in swarms) an
d "wings-apart piping" (in hives).