The effect of tetracycline hydrochloride as an endodontic irrigant on smear
layer removal was examined by scanning electron microscopy and compared wi
th bidistilled water, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and 50% citric acid
in 20 extracted teeth. Five teeth, as a control, were irrigated with bidis
tilled water only in group 1. All the other groups were irrigated with NaOC
l during instrumentation. The final rinses were NaOCl in group 2, citric ac
id in group 3, and 1 % tetracycline hydrochloride in group 4. Scanning elec
tron microscopic results and statistical analysis revealed that bidistilled
water and NaOCl were ineffective in removing the smear layer, whereas citr
ic acid and tetracycline hydrochloride were significantly more effective (p
< 0.001). No statistically significant difference was detected between tet
racycline hydrochloride and citric acid (p > 0.05). However tetracycline hy
drochloride demineralized less peritubular dentin.