Acute lung injury is frequently associated with endotoxemia and is characte
rized by the accumulation in the lungs of large numbers of neutrophils acti
vated to produce proinflammatory mediators. In the setting of acute lung in
jury, the percentage of apoptotic cells among lung neutrophils is decreased
. The transcriptional regulatory factor NF-kappaB is activated in neutrophi
ls and other pulmonary cell populations after endotoxemia and appears to pl
ay a central role in the development of the acute inflammatory process that
leads to lung injury. Because NF-kappaB can modulate apoptosis through inc
reasing expression of anti-apoptotic proteins, activation of NF-kappaB may
contribute to the alterations in lung neutrophil apoptosis associated with
acute lung injury. In the present experiments, endotoxemia resulted in decr
eased apoptosis and increased expression of anti-apoptotic mediators among
lung neutrophils. Amounts of A1, A-20, and Bcl-X-L, anti-apoptotic proteins
whose transcription is dependent on NF-kappaB, were increased in lung neut
rophils after endotoxemia. Inhibition of nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB
increased the percentage of apoptotic lung neutrophils after endotoxemia,
but not back to the levels found in unmanipulated animals. Although inhibit
ion of nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB prevented endotoxemia-induced inc
reases in Bcl-x(L), A1, and A20 in lung neutrophils, this intervention did
not prevent endotoxemia-associated elevation of Mcl-1, an anti-apoptotic pr
otein primarily under the transcriptional regulation of CREB. These results
demonstrate that mechanisms independent of NF-kappaB activation play an im
portant role in modulating lung neutrophil apoptosis after endotoxemia.