As part of an industry-based project. we studied the effects of Pr and Zr s
ubstitutions to a basic Nd15DyFe76B8 material. We processed the materials u
sing a conventional hydrogenation-disproportionation-desorption-recombinati
on (HDDR) process and a simple rotary-pump vacuum; however. we also experim
ented with high-vacuum conditions in order to see what effect these had. Th
e Pr and Zr substitutions were observed to have a positive and cost-effecti
ve influence on the coercivity of the processed powders: the optimum Pr sub
stitution was the replacement of three-quarters of the neodymium, and for Z
r. a much smaller 0.1 at % was found to be the best.
Microstructural observations of the as-cast structures revealed significant
differences between the Zr- and Pr-substituted materials and the additive-
free NdDyFeB alloy, but post-HDDR microstructures were all very similar and
provided little help for optimizing the processing conditions. By combinin
g the substitutions of Pr and Zr in a relatively rare-earth-rich alloy, we
were able to produce a coercive powder of > 1000 kA/m and have a process wh
ich can now be quickly and easily transferred to the factory. (C) 2001 Else
vier Science B.V. All rights reserved.