Transcription attenuation comprises several processes that affect transcrip
t elongation and transcription termination, and has an important role in re
gulating gene expression. In most cases, transcription attenuation is used
as a regulatory mechanism that allows the cell to adjust protein synthesis
levels in response to a specific signal. Here, by using a tRNA gene as a tr
anscriptional reporter, we characterize a new type of transcription attenua
tion mechanism in Escherichia coli that involves bacterial interspersed mos
aic elements (BIMEs), the main family of repetitive extragenic elements. Th
e transcription termination factor Rho is required for attenuation in assoc
iation with BIMEs, thus revealing a new role for Rho as a BIMEs-dependent g
lobal regulator of gene expression. By mutational analyses, we identified n
ucleotide determinants of BIMEs that are required for attenuation and showe
d that this process relies on a sequence-specific mechanism. Our data are c
onsistent with a model in which BIMEs provoke a pause in RNA polymerase mov
ement and Rho acts ultimately to terminate transcription. BIME-dependent tr
anscription attenuation may be used as a means to differentially regulate e
xpression of adjacent genes belonging to a single operon. BIMEs are dispers
ed in more than 230 operons such that attenuation can simultaneously affect
expression of a large number of genes encoding unrelated proteins. This at
tenuation phenomenon, together with the known ability of BIMEs to stabilize
upstream mRNA, reveals how dispersion of these abundant repetitive element
s may affect gene regulation at the genome level. (C) 2001 Academic Press.