Experimental evidence indicates that the physics of molecular collisions is
characterised by an underlying simplicity when viewed from the perspective
of the dynamics of the nuclei in a particle representation of the species
involved. We review this evidence and describe a simple, transparent kinema
tic theory of inelastic collisions from which the quantum state-resolved ou
tcome of atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions are predicted. The
principal mechanism of change is linear-to-angular momentum conversion via
a torque-arm of molecular dimension constrained to operate within boundarie
s set by the quantisation of molecular eigenstates and by overall energy co
nservation. The mechanism is unchanged throughout the wide variety of proce
sses molecules undergo but is modified in a process- and system-specific ma
nner by boundary condition changes and this gives the wide variety of outco
mes seen experimentally. The mechanism and boundary conditions may be repre
sented in velocity (momentum)Dangular momentum diagrams that illustrate viv
idly the interplay of momentum and energetic factors. Rapid, accurate calcu
lation routines based on these principles reproduce rotational and vibratio
nal distributions observed in experiment over the wide range of inelastic p
rocesses that diatomic molecules undergo as well as in atom-diatom reactive