A case analysis of the Miami-Dade Urban Systemic Initiative is presented in
this article, citing this initiative as one of the sites with the greatest
promise for affecting equity issues. Using a grounded-theory methodologica
l approach, a general framework for systemic reform was developed as a tool
to examine the particulars of systemic reform initiatives and their potent
ial to impact the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in diver
se school contexts. It was found that to better understand the effectivenes
s of systemic reform initiatives requires answering two basic questions: Wh
at is the (pedagogical and ideological) systemic conceptual clarity guiding
the reform efforts? And, what is the operational approach? Once answers to
these questions are found, it becomes easier to explore how key officials
are implementing or not implementing other aspects of systemic reform. The
article also explains why less attention should be given to student outcome
s (based on standardized tests) as the main indicator of success in systemi
c reform. Instead, it is proposed that insights gained from, studying the p
articulars of promising initiatives can help others stimulate systemic refo
rm in their own contexts, especially in urban contexts, which usually have
few resources and a large population of students who are traditionally unde
rserved. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.