The International Society for Animal Hygiene was founded in Budapest in 197
0. The Society, that initially attracted animal hygienist from 10 European
countries, has become since then a globalised, big scientific forum of 44 E
uropean, American, Asian and Australian countries.
In the 31(st) year of its history the Society has significantly and multila
terally contributed to the development of the science of animal hygiene (wh
ich in English speaking countries mostly referred to as preventive veterina
ry medicine/herd health and in France ecopathology). The 10 congresses and
12 "in-between" symposia organised since the foundation have always recogni
sed the actual challenges of animal production and found the best way to ad
dress them. The subjects of the consecutive congresses duly prove this stat
ement. The Society has conducted primus inter pares role in defining animal
hygiene as one of the branch of veterinary/animal science and creating its
independent Identity. Further to these, the Society has played directive r
ole in collecting information on undergraduate teaching of animal hygiene i
n different veterinary/agricultural schools and publishing them in its News
letter quarterly. The paper, offered for the anniversary Of PROF. FERENC KO
VACS'S 80(th) birthday, documents with data about the multilateral role of
the Society in the development of animal hygiene as science and discipline.