Pathogenesis of Legionnaires' disease is strictly related to the abili
ty of the legionellae to infect phagocytic cells, yet surface markers
of virulence in Legionella isolates are currently unknown. Rabbit anti
bodies raised against purified flagella of Legionella pneumophila sero
group 1 recognized a total of 24 of 30 laboratory-maintained isolates
of L. pneumophila serogroups 1-15 and 16 of 24 other Legionella specie
s tested by rapid immunoblot and indirect immunofluorescence assay. Al
l isolates possessing flagella detectable with these anti-flagella ant
ibodies, regardless of species, were capable of infecting Hartmannella
vermiformis. Isolates lacking immunologic cross-reactivity were shown
to lack purifiable flagella. The majority of aflagellate isolates wer
e not motile and failed to multiply intracellularly in co-culture with
Hartmannella vermiformis. Some isolates characterized as aflagellate
when harvested from BCYE agar were able to multiply in amoebae, and fl
agella were subsequently detectable by immunologic methods. These data
suggest that lack of immunologic recognition of flagella in laborator
y-maintained isolates of Legionella is due to their attenuation and a
corresponding loss of expression of flagella. More importantly, the pr
esence of flagella can serve as a positive predictive marker for strai
n virulence and is useful in determining the virulence status of Legio
nella isolates. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.