The Mueller matrix is the transfer matrix in the. Stokes algebra that descr
ibes the polarization of natural light. This matrix is very versatile for t
he task of characterizing the optical properties of liquid-crystal cells, s
ince it can be used for comparison. with theoretical calculations, the dete
rmination of material parameters and the modelling of the cell as an optica
l building block for technological use. We have constructed a Mueller-matri
x spectrometer, with the ability to perform fast, dynamic measurements of t
he Mueller matrix of small areas of liquid-crystal cells throughout the vis
ible range. To illustrate the potential of the instrument, dynamic measurem
ents on a ferroelectric-liquid-crystal cell are presented and analysed. The
optical measurements indicate that there is an asymmetry between the up an
d the down state, tilted smectic layers and polarization reversal initiated
at the boundaries.