Polymorphic DNA sequences have been amplified using different PCR-based tec
hniques and used for species identification, strain discrimination and popu
lation genetic studies in Leishmania. A PCR fingerprinting method that uses
single non-specific primers generates species-specific banding patterns wi
th some intraspecies variation. This approach can be used to identify Leish
mania species and also to discriminate strains of different Leishmania spec
ies. Cultivation of the parasites is, however, mandatory. PCR-restriction f
ragment length polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) in the
ribosomal operon differentiates all Leishmania species, except members of
the L. donovani and L. brasiliensis complexes. ITS-single-strand conformati
on polymorphism or ITS sequencing can detect strain specific-variation (exc
ept in L. infantum); culturing is not required. Species of Leishmania exhib
it different degrees of genetic variation (L. tropica > L. aethiopica > L.
major > L, donovani). Population analysis using co-dominant DNA markers dev
eloped by sequence-confirmed amplified region analysis revealed a primarily
clonal structure in a L. donovani population from Sudan and suggested that
occasional recombination events may occur in this population.