The aim of this article was to review the evidence for a metabolically norm
al subset of the obese and its implications for clinical and research work.
The methods included literature review and correspondence with authors. Si
nce 1947, when Vague described a relation between distribution of body fat
and the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, much evidence has suggeste
d that early onset of the obesity, hyperplasia of normal adipocytes, and no
rmal quantities of visceral abdominal fat may be associated with a favorabl
e metabolic response in obese subjects. Analyses in 1973 by Keyes and later
by Reuben Andres in 1980 suggested that obesity for some was not a risk fa
ctor and might even be an asset. Recently, in the study by Bonora et al of
the relation between insulin resistance and the 4 main disorders of the met
abolic syndrome in the Bruneck epidemiologic study, a subgroup of obese ind
ividuals with a normal metabolic response was evident. In a current study b
y Brochu et al of an obese metabolically normal subgroup of postmenopausal
women, visceral abdominal fat estimated by computed tomography (CT) scan an
d age of onset were significant variables. The obese, metabolically normal
subgroup (OBMN) must be taken into consideration in both clinical and resea
rch work. Persons with OBMN and their parents may be wrongly blamed because
of the obesity. Attempts at weight loss may be counterproductive. The crit
eria for selection of obese research subjects may favor inclusion of an OBM
N subset, which may invalidate statistical analysis. Findings suggesting th
e OBMN subset include family members with uncomplicated obesity, early onse
t of the obesity, fasting plasma insulin within normal range, and normal di
stribution of the excess fat. Hormonal, genetic studies, and prospective st
udies will help to clarify the significance and underlying mechanisms of th
is subset. Copyright (C) 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.