Spatio-temporal travelling waves are striking manifestations of predator-pr
ey and host-parasite dynamics. However, few systems are well enough documen
ted both to detect repeated waves and to explain their interaction with spa
tio-temporal variations in population structure and demography. Here, we de
monstrate recurrent epidemic travelling waves in an exhaustive spatio-tempo
ral data set for measles in England and Wales. We use wavelet phase analysi
s, which allows for dynamical nonstationarity-a complication in interpretin
g spatio-temporal patterns in these and many other ecological time series.
In the prevaccination era, conspicuous hierarchical waves of infection move
d regionally from large cities to small towns; the introduction of measles
vaccination restricted but did not eliminate this hierarchical contagion. A
mechanistic stochastic model suggests a dynamical explanation for the wave
s-spread via infective 'sparks' from large 'core' cities to smaller 'satell
ite' towns. Thus, the spatial hierarchy of host population structure is a p
rerequisite for these infection waves.