Abnormalities of attention and information processing are described as impo
rtant features of schizophrenia. Theoretically, they may reflect deficienci
es in central mechanisms of inhibition and selection. These deficiencies ar
e believed to lead to cognitive fragmentation in patients with schizophreni
a. Findings of an impaired prepulse-inhibition (PPI) and habituation of the
startle reflex in patients with schizophrenia are thought to represent pre
attentive, i.e., automatic attention deficits. Other paradigms with attenti
onal instructions help to detect and to quantify deficits in controlled att
entional functions. The PPI of the auditory startle blink reflex - mediated
primarily by brainstem structures - is regulated by cortico-striato-pallid
o-pontine influences and by neurotransmitters involved in the pathogenesis
of schizophrenia. An animal model of PPI provides the possibility to test n
eurobiological hypotheses in schizophrenia and to screen substances for the
ir potential antipsychotic properties. Because reduction of PPI also occurs
in other neuropsychiatric disorders,further studies are required to develo
p new paradigms of startle modification with findings of higher specificity
and probable diagnostic relevance in patients with schizophrenia.