Injection locking is a useful technique for amplifying the output power of
a tunable external cavity diode laser. The injection-locked output retains
the spectral properties of the injected signal while offering high powers.
A self-aligning injection-locked system is demonstrated that uses a chirped
external cavity diode laser as the master laser. A gain of 51.8 dB is demo
nstrated with injection-locked output powers greater than 62 mW. The amplif
ied linear frequency chirp of 800 MHz in 4 mus is measured and shows no dev
iation from the frequency chirp of the master laser. The high gain and abil
ity of the injection-locked output to follow the rapid tuning of the inject
ed source make it an excellent amplification technique for applications req
uiring higher powers with fast tuning. (C) 2001 Society of Photo-Optical In
strumentation Engineers.