Since the late 1980s the EU has made great strides in the liberalization of
network markets. This article assumes a horizontal perspective, juxtaposin
g different network markets while focusing solely on the rules and policies
at EU level. A six step checklist is applied to facilitate a comparative a
nalysis of EU regulatory liberalization in gas, electricity, telecoms, post
al services, and rail and air transport. Competition policy is discussed wi
th respect to: the relation between regulation and competition policy; the
role of the EC Curt; the 'essential facility' doctrine; defining relevant m
arkets; and merger control in network industries. Finally, the question is
addressed as to whether these network industries operate in an EC internal
market. The answer is no. Policy recommendations: the EU defines a well-con
sidered overall strategy for network market liberalization; the issue of th
e internal market with common regulators, at least where a subsidiarity tes
t is passed, should be squarely addressed.