In a gauge invariant formulation of the molecular electric dipole-photon in
teraction, the rigorous coupling is strictly linear in the photon creation
and photon annihilation operators. The linear coupling allows for a super-r
adiant phase transition as in the Hepp-Lieb formulation. A previous notion
of a quadratic-coupling "no-go theorem" for super-radiance is incorrect. Al
so, incorrect is a previous assertion that the dipole-photon coupling has a
bsolutely no effect on the thermal equations of state. These assertions wer
e based on incorrect canonical transformations which eliminated the electri
c field (and thereby eliminated the dipole-photon interaction) which is nei
ther mathematically nor physically consistent. The correct form of the cano
nical transformations are given in this work which allows for the physical
reality of super-radiant condensed matter phases. (C) 2001 Published by Els
evier Science B.V.