The key problem in the physics of high T-c cuprates [J. G. Bednorz and K. A
. Muller, Z. Phys. B 64, 188 (1988)] is whether doping is inhomogeneous and
holes are expelled into one-dimensional (ID) stripes. We demonstrate that
the scattering mechanism defining the transport properties and the universa
l superlinear rho (T) behavior in underdoped YBa2Cu3Ox thin films [J. Vanac
ken, Physica B 294-295, 347 (2001)] is the same in spin ladders and underdo
ped cuprates. This implies that transport through conducting charge stripes
in cuprates is fully controlled by the inelastic length coinciding with th
e magnetic correlation length in the ladders, i.e., holes in stripes behave
very similarly to holes in spin ladders. The ID stripe transport model des
cribes remarkably well the temperature dependences of the resistivity and t
he scaling behavior of magnetic and transport properties of underdoped cupr
ates (including transport in fields up to 50 T) using essentially one fitti
ng parameter-the spin gap-decreasing with hole doping. In the framework of
this model the hole-rich stripes are just spin ladders with an even number
of chains, and therefore the pseudogap is simply the spin gap in spin ladde
rs. The effective dimensionality is 2D at high temperature and ID in the ps
eudogap stripe regime. Disorder can lead to a pinning of stripes and their
fragmentation, thus enforcing the interstripe hopping which effectively rec
overs the 2D transport regime at low temperatures.