Benthic-pelagic coupling processes were studied in Adelie Cove. a small 70-
m deep V-shaped bay, located on the coast of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea). Thi
s cove is set apart from the open sea by a 12- to 15-m deep sill. Samplings
were carried out over 20 days in summer 1997/1998 in the water column, in
the sediment and in material collected from the sea-bottom interface by mea
ns of a sediment trap. Benthic Communities were studied mainly using ROV vi
deo tapes. The complex and peculiar interactions between physical, chemical
and biological processes, both in the water column and in the sediments. w
ere tightly linked to a katabatic wind pattern, which is the main constrain
t in water mass circulation. A clear evolution in organic matter distributi
on and composition was observed. These processes led to a high build-up of
materials in the sediments in the deepest part of the cove, which favoured
deposit-feeding species and largely contributed to the organic enrichment o
f the sediments.