A series of 10 samples from sediment in and adjacent to a shallow coastal i
ceberg scour at Signy Island. Antarctica. were taken by hand coring from 17
December 1993 until 23 August 1994. Scouring by the iceberg led to more th
an a 95% decrease in meiofaunal abundance and to a certain degree of reduct
ion in diversity. Nematodes were always the most dominant group of meiofaun
a. The return of major meiofauna groups to control levels was accomplished
in 30 days, although a decrease in abundance on the 50th day made interpret
ation difficult. The pioneering meiofaunal colonisers were copepods and ost
racods. followed by nematodes. Microlaimus sp.1 was dominant among the nema
todes throughout the whole period. Epistratum feeders and non-selective dep
osit feeders were highly dominant over selective deposit feeders and predat
ors/omnivores. The Maturity Index. a measure for stress within nematode com
munities. was relatively low at all times and in controls, which indicates
that r-strategists prevail in this community. In spite of the catastrophic
destruction, nematode community structure was not affected by the iceberg i
mpact. and there was no evidence of succession during recovery. This sugges
ts that the nematode community in the shallow subtidal coast at Signy Islan
d is well adapted to ice disturbance.