Quantum cascade ('QC') lasers are reviewed. These are semiconductor injecti
on lasers based on intersubband transitions in a multiple-quantum-well (QW)
heterostructure, designed by means of band-structure engineering and grown
by molecular beam epitaxy. The intersubband nature of the optical transiti
on has several key advantages. First, the emission wavelength is primarily
a function of the QW thickness. This characteristic allows choosing well-un
derstood and reliable semiconductors for the generation of light in a wavel
ength range unrelated to the material's energy bandgap. Second, a cascade p
rocess in which multiple-often several tens of-photons are generated per el
ectron becomes feasible, as the electron remains inside the conduction band
throughout its traversal of the active region. This cascading process is b
ehind the intrinsic high-power capabilities of the lasers. Finally, intersu
bband transitions are characterized through an ultrafast carrier dynamics a
nd the absence of the linewidth enhancement factor, with both features bein
g expected to have significant impact on laser performance.
The first experimental demonstration by Faist et al in 1994 described a QC-
laser emitting at 4.3 mum wavelength at cryogenic temperatures only. Since
then, the lasers' performance has greatly improved, including operation spa
nning the mid- to far-infrared wavelength range from 3.5 to 24 mum, peak po
wer levels in the Watt range and above-room-temperature (RT) pulsed operati
on for wavelengths from 4.5 to 16 mum. Three distinct designs of the active
region, the so-called 'vertical' and 'diagonal' transition as well as the
'superlattice' active regions, respectively, have emerged, and are used eit
her with conventional dielectric or surface-plasmon waveguides. Fabricated
as distributed feedback lasers they provide continuously tunable single-mod
e emission in the mid-infrared wavelength range. This feature together with
the high optical peak power and RT operation makes QC-lasers a prime choic
e for narrow-band light sources in mid-infrared trace gas sensing applicati
ons. Finally, a manifestation of the high-speed capabilities can be seen in
actively and passively mode-locked QC-lasers, where pulses as short as a f
ew picoseconds with a repetition rate around 10 GHz have been measured.