There is long-standing disagreement among experimentalists about whether tr
anscallosal interhemispheric influences are primarily excitatory or inhibit
ory. Past computational models exploring this issue have encountered a simi
lar dilemma: inhibitory callosal influences best explain hemispheric functi
onal asymmetries, but excitatory callosal influences best explain transcall
osal diaschisis. We recently hypothesized that this dilemma might be resolv
ed by assuming excitatory callosal influences and a subcortical mechanism f
or cross-midline inhibition. Here we explore the feasibility of this hypoth
esis by examining a model of map formation in corresponding left and right
cortical regions. The results show for the first time that both map asymmet
ries and diaschisis-like changes can be produced in a single model, suggest
ing that subcortical inhibitory processes may contribute more to asymmetric
cortical functionality than is generally recognized. NeuroReport 12:1609-1
614 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.