Interactive effects of reductions in plant species diversity and increases
in atmospheric CO2 were investigated in a long-term study in nutrient-poor
calcareous grassland. Throughout the experiment, soil nitrate was persisten
tly increased at low plant species diversity, and CO2 enrichment reduced so
il [NO3-] at all levels of plant species diversity. In our study, soil [NO3
-] was unrelated to root length density, microbial biomass N, community leg
ume contents, and experimental plant communities differed only little in to
tal N pools. However, potential nitrification revealed exactly the same tre
atment effects as soil [NO3-], providing circumstantial evidence that nitri
fication rates drove the observed changes in [NO3-]. One possible explanati
on for plant diversity effects on nitrification lies in spatial and tempora
l interspecific differences in plant N uptake, which would more often allow
accumulation of NH4+ in part of the soil profile at low diversity than in
more species-rich plant communities. Consequently, nitrification rates and
soil [NO3-] would increase. Elevated CO2 increased soil water contents, whi
ch may have improved NO3- diffusion to the root surface thereby reducing so
il [NO3-]. Higher soil moisture at elevated CO2 might also reduce nitrifica
tion rates due to less aerobic conditions. The accordance of the diversity
effect on soil [NO3-] with previous experiments suggests that increased soi
l [NO3-] at low species diversity is a fairly general phenomenon, although
the mechanisms causing high [NO3-] may vary. In contrast, experimental evid
ence for effects of CO2 enrichment on soil [NO3-] is ambiguous, and the ant
agonistic interaction of plant species reductions and elevated CO2 we have
observed is thus probably less universal.