lBackground. With an improved compliance with screening a larger reduction
of cervical cancer incidence would be within reach. We aimed at investigati
ng why certain women do not attend Pap smear screening and at validating th
e reliability of self-reported screening,
Methods. In 1998 in the county of Uppsala, Sweden, information was collecte
d through telephone interviews with 430 nonattendees and 514 attendees to P
ap smear screening, who were all sampled from a population-based database.
The women's recall of attendance was validated against the database. The ma
in outcome measures used were odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals
Results. Non-attendance was positively associated with nonuse of oral contr
aceptives (OR = 3.56, 95% CI 2.18-5.83), seeing different gynecologists (OR
= 1.90, 95% CI 1.34-2.70), and seeing a physician very often (OR = 3.12, 9
5% CI 1.45-6.70) or not at all (OR = 1.78, 95% CI 1.09-2.90), Frequent cond
om use (OR = 1.88, 95% CI 1.02-3.47), living in rural/semirural areas (OR =
1.55, 95% CI 1.07-2.21), and not knowing the recommended screening interva
l (OR = 2.16, 95% CI 1.20-3.89) were all associated with nonattendance, whe
reas socioeconomic status was not, when tested in a multivariate model. Amo
ng the nonattendees, 57% underestimated the time lapse since last smear.
Conclusions. Seeing a gynecologist on a regular basis and information guidi
ng women to have a Pap smear on their own initiative are important factors
for recurrent screening. Therefore, information should be given to all wome
n about the purpose and benefits of Pap smear testing. Self-reports on scre
ening should be treated with caution. (C) 2001 American Health Foundation a
nd Academic Press.