We consider problems of the following type. Assign independently to each ve
rtex of the square lattice the value tl, with probability p, or -1, with pr
obability 1-p. We ask whether an infinite path rr exists, with the property
that the partial sums of the +/- 1s along pi are uniformly bounded. and wh
ether there exists an infinite path pi ' with the property that the partial
sums along pi ' are equal to zero infinitely often. The answers to these q
uestion depend on the type of path one allows, the value of p and the unifo
rm bound specified. We show that phase transitions occur for these phenomen
a. Moreover. we make a surprising connection between the problem of finding
a path to infinity (not necessarily self-avoiding, but visiting each verte
x at most finitely many times) with a given bound on the partial sums, and
the classical Boolean model with squares around the points of a Poisson pro
cess in the plane. For the recurrence problem, we also show that the probab
ility of finding such a path is monotone in p. for p greater than or equal
to 1/2.