Plasticity of the nervous system has been related to learning and memory pr
ocessing as early as the beginning of the century; although, remotely, brai
n plasticity in relation to behavior has been connoted over the past two ce
nturies. However, four decades ago, several evidences have shown that exper
ience and training induce neural changes, showing that major neuroanatomica
l, neurochemical as well as molecular changes are required for the establis
hment of a long-term memory process. Early experimental procedures showed t
hat differential experience, training and/or informal experience could prod
uce altered quantified changes in the brain of mammals. Moreover, neuropsyc
hologists have emphasized that different memories could be localized in sep
arate cortical areas of the brain, but updated evidences assert that memory
systems are specifically distributed in exclusive neural networks in the c
ortex. For instance, the same cortical systems that lead us to perceive and
move in our environment, are used as neural substrates for memory retrieva
l. Such memories are the result of the repeated activity of millions of neu
rons assembled into distinct neural networks, where plastic changes in syna
ptic function leads to the strengthening of the same synaptic connections w
ith the result of reconstructed permanent traces that lead to remembrance (
Hebb Postulate). Elementary forms of learning and memory have been studied
in simple neural systems of invertebrates, and as such have led the way for
understanding much of the electrophysiological and neurochemical events oc
curring during LTP. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is the result of the incre
ase in the strength of synaptic transmission, lasting as long as can be mea
sured from hours to days. LTP has been detected in several areas of the bra
in, particularly, in the hippocampus, amygdala, and cortex, including sever
al related limbic structures in the mammalian brain. LTP represents up to d
ate the best model available for understanding the cellular basis of learni
ng and memory in the central nervous system of mammals including humans.