We have examined the impact of trench processing and trench and device cell
geometries on the characteristics of a single n-channel U-shaped trench me
tal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistor (n-UMOSFET) and a device cell com
prising several n-UMOSFETs. The geometrical parameters investigated include
d the trench depth and width, the trench cross-section and the device cell
pitch. We have found out that the geometry does not affect the electron mob
ility in the channel; however, the effects of the geometry on the character
istics of the isolated device or device cell are manifested on the spreadin
g resistance of the drain end. Trench processing, in the form of trench etc
hing, trench cleaning and subsequent gate-oxide growth, is observed to prim
arily influence the n-UMOSFET's immunity to electrical stress, which is stu
died using charge pumping current and gate-oxide breakdown measurements. It
is shown that the gate-oxide edge adjacent to the drain and the oxide/sili
con interface overlapping the drain are the regions most susceptible to deg
radation by Fowler-Nordheim stress. These observations coupled with results
from scanning electron microscopy suggest that the gate-oxide growth non-u
niformity as well as its condition at the trench corners are the key factor
s in determining the n-UMOSFET's reliability.