Background and Purpose-The purpose of this study was to identify specific t
argets to improve acute stroke treatment and stroke prevention in the Mexic
an American (MA) community.
Methods-A professional, academic survey research team provided structured q
uestions and elicited responses from 719 subjects identified by random-digi
t dialing in the biethnic community of Corpus Christi, Texas. This comnluni
ty of approximately 300 000 is approximately half MA and half non-Hispanic
white (NHW). The cooperation rate for the survey was 58%.
Results-MAs (n=357) were younger, less well educated, and had lower family
income than NHWs (n=362, P=0.001). MAs had a higher prevalence of diabetes
mellitus (P=0.001) but similar rates of hypertension, elevated cholesterol,
and current tobacco use. MAs less commonly recognized that acute stroke th
erapy existed (P=0.029), were less likely to acknowledge a time window for
acute stroke treatment (P=0.001), and were more reticent to say they would
call 911 for stroke symptoms (P=0.01) than NHWs. MAs were significantly les
s able to recall stroke symptoms and risk factors than NHWs. Only approxima
tely 20% of both groups identified stroke as the No. 1 cause of disability.
MAs expressed less confidence in their ability to prevent stroke (P <0.001
), more distrust in the medical establishment (P=0.007), and more concern t
hat money impedes their seeking medical care (P <0.001).
Conclusions-There are significant barriers to both acute stroke treatment a
nd stroke prevention in MAs. This study identifies specific targets amenabl
e for testing in an intervention project following confirmation by a method
ology other than telephone survey.