Background. A redundant publication is one which duplicates previous simult
aneous, or future publication by the same author or group or, alternatively
, could have been combine with the latter into one paper. As there is no in
formation about the extent of this problem in the surgical literature, we s
et out to assess the incidence, spectrum, and salient characteristics of re
dundant publications in 3 leading surgical journals.
Methods. Original articles (excluding reviews, editorials, abstracts, and l
etters) published during 1998 in the journals of Surgery, The British Journ
al of Surgery and Archives of Surgery were searched by using the on-line se
arch engine PUBMED. Each original article was scrutinized to identify redun
dancy by combining the names of the first, second, and last authors with a
few key words from the title. Papers were defined as "suspected" redundant
publications if they were found to address the same topic as the "index" ar
ticle and shared some or most of the elements of methodology, results, or c
onclusions. The full versions of all suspected papers were retrieved and co
mpared with the index articles. A grading system was developed to define se
veral types of redundant publications: A. "dual" B. "potentially dual"; C.
"Salami-slicing. "
Results. A total of 660 articles were screened. There were 92 index article
s (14%) leading to 147 suspected papers found in other journals, representi
ng some potential form of a redundant publication. The vast majority of sus
pected papers were published within approximately a year of the index paper
and were not cited by the latter. Most (69%) of the suspected papers were
also published in surgical journals. Only 12 (8.1%) appeared in, or origina
ted from, a "local-foreign" journal. Twenty (13.6%) of the suspected papers
met the criteria for dual publications, 50 (34%) for potentially dual publ
ications, and 77 (52.4%) were considering products of salami-slicing.
Conclusions. Almost 1 in every 6 original articles published in leading sur
gical journals represents some form of redundancy. Current on-line search t
echnology provides an effective tool for identifying and tracing such publi
cations, but it is not used routinely as part of the peer review process. R
edundancies occur in sever well-defined patterns; the phenomenon is widespr
ead, and it cuts across the entire spectrum of surgeons in the United State
s and abroad. Redundant publication must be recognized not as a mere nuisan
ce but a real threat to the quality and intellectual impact of surgical pub