In the future, pregnant sow's are more likely to he kept in simple building
s with the use of feeding systems, such as tube feeders, and more sophistic
ated electronic systems, including nipple feeders. In the near future, sows
with sucking piglets will be housed predominantly in single crates,for rea
sons of economy. The use of >>all-in-all-out<< systems combined suitably wi
th high standard cleansing and disinfection procedures and the use of furro
wing stables after using cyclograms,provide the basic way forward to improv
ing the health of pigs by reducing the infection pressure. The tendency is
to increase group sizes of weaned pigs and fatteners, but the control of an
imal health has to play an important role. Fatteners will, in the main, be
kept in separate buildings with slatted floors, but also in outdoor climati
c buildings using appropriate litter All such systems can be successful if
the herd manager takes the specific housing conditions into consideration.
All housing systems have advantages and disadvantages with respect to envir
onmental considerations, animal health, welfare, performance, economics and
the market quality of products. It is therefore necessary to identify, far
m-specific management systems.