Wear damage is responsible for very high maintenance costs and signifi
cant production losses in the oil sands industry of northern Alberta.
It affects all areas of operations and involves a panoply of wear mech
anisms from low stress sliding abrasion at extremely frigid temperatur
es during winter mining, to elevated temperature erosion/corrosion in
processes where bitumen is converted to lighter hydrocarbon products.
There is no universal panacea to defend against such diverse attack an
d a wide selection of resistant materials and systems is employed. The
se range from relatively soft rubbers which rely on their elastic prop
erties for their protective capability to some of the hardest ceramics
and cermets which are currently available commercially. Details are p
resented of the characteristics and forms of the variety of wear mater
ials being used and how they relate to the requirements of their areas
of application. The review focuses on the practices followed at Syncr
ude Canada Ltd., which is the larger of the two commercial oil sands p