Tile stitching of artificially created opening in the stomach to the pariet
al peritoneum has been experimentally examined so that the missing resected
part was covered with the abdominal wall. Stomach contents were in direct
contact with the peritoneal surface. In contradiction to common opinions (t
he rise of peritonitis and subsequent death) all experimental animals (six
pigs and ten rats) survived the operation without any apparent complication
s. Within eight weeks following the laparotomy ("a second look"), the artif
icial perforation was narrowed down partly with outgrown gastric mucosa and
partly with new generated fibrous tissue. The results of this strange expe
riment turn down common convictions about development of generalised perito
nitis. The experiments are not an end in itself but offer possible use in a
clinical experiment in humans. A casuistic of one patient with the perfora
ted ulcer-carcinoma is discussed in this report.