Allergic eye disease is a common clinical problem adversely affecting the q
uality of life for millions of sufferers. This ocular process is associated
with IgE-mediated conjunctival inflammation leading to signs of immediate
hypersensitivity including redness, itching, and tearing. Pathologic studie
s have shown that the conjunctiva contains mast cells that when sensitized
with IgE antibody and exposed to environmental allergens can release mediat
ors of allergic inflammation. The type, release kinetics, and concentration
of these mediators in the conjunctiva have not been completely characteriz
ed. The ability to isolate and purify mast cells and epithelial cells from
human conjunctival tissue has permitted the study of mediator release and c
ell-to-cell signaling in this tissue. Our laboratory has developed in vitro
and in vivo models to better understand how inflammatory cells are recruit
ed to and infiltrate conjunctival tissues. These models demonstrate that ma
st cell activation may supply sufficient cytokine signaling to initiate and
direct the well-orchestrated trafficking of eosinophils to the ocular surf
ace, facilitate their adhesion, and cause release of potent mediators of oc
ular inflammation.