Study aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to report on seven blunt
fractures of the pancreas and to emphasize the difficulties of their diagn
osis and treatment as well as their severity.
Patients and method: From October 1995 to March 2000, seven cases of blunt
fracture of the pancreas were observed. The diagnosis was immediate in two
cases, due to an emergency abdominal CTscan, and for the five other patient
s it was postponed by 4 to 12 days because of the frequency and severity of
the associated lesions present in five cases out of seven. A left splenopa
ncreatectomy was performed in four patients; a late necrosectomy with exter
nal drainage in two patients; and one patient was not operated on.
Results: There was one postoperative death due to associated cerebral lesio
ns. After left splenopancreatectomy a pancreatic fistula dried up in less t
han a week in two patients. After necrosectomy and drainage, the operation
was complicated in the two cases because of repetitive abscesses acid a lar
ge and long-lasting pancreatic fistula.
Conclusion: Blunt fractures of the pancreas are rare and serious lesions. T
he diagnosis is often made during an emergency laparotomy for hemoperitoneu
m or peritonitis. The existence of a canal rupture confirmed by transpapill
ary wirsungography, or better by wirsungo-MRI, is a strong arguing point fo
r a left splenopancreatectomy when the patient's state allows ii. Simple ex
ternal drainage is only justified when the left splenopancreatectomy isn't
possible. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.